The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture HMR 1987 (eBook)


The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture: For the Urban and Semi-Rural Communities is an anthology of approximately 120 newsletters over a 10 year period called, The Herb Market Report. Each issue features 2 herbs, one on small farm alternatives and the other on a forage crop. Each also includes a farm/forage plan, harvest and drying techniques, processing and storage requirements, and marketing options. A cottage industry section is featured as well. The articles are in depth, concerning all aspects of herb production, processing and marketing for active and potential herb farmers. They teach the basics for how to “small farm” field crops correctly, and be successful.

ISBN 978-0-9976199-0-4
Author: Dr. Richard Alan Miller

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The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture: For the Urban and Semi-Rural Communities is an anthology of approximately 120 newsletters over a 10 year period called, The Herb Market Report. Each issue features 2 herbs, one on small farm alternatives and the other on a forage crop. Each also includes a farm/forage plan, harvest and drying techniques, processing and storage requirements, and marketing options. A cottage industry section is featured as well. The articles are in depth, concerning all aspects of herb production, processing and marketing for active and potential herb farmers. They teach the basics for how to “small farm” field crops correctly, and be successful.

ISBN 978-0-9976199-0-4
Author: Dr. Richard Alan Miller

The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture: For the Urban and Semi-Rural Communities is an anthology of approximately 120 newsletters over a 10 year period called, The Herb Market Report. Each issue features 2 herbs, one on small farm alternatives and the other on a forage crop. Each also includes a farm/forage plan, harvest and drying techniques, processing and storage requirements, and marketing options. A cottage industry section is featured as well. The articles are in depth, concerning all aspects of herb production, processing and marketing for active and potential herb farmers. They teach the basics for how to “small farm” field crops correctly, and be successful.

ISBN 978-0-9976199-0-4
Author: Dr. Richard Alan Miller

This book contains the following subjects.
Burdock: 20
Chemistry: 20
Uses: 21
Harvest: 22
Workshops 22
Spices Hold Key To Ethnic Snacks 23
Flavor Favorites 23
Distinctive Combinations 23
Spice Chart For Nationality Snacks 24
The Cultivation And Harvest Of Lavender 25
Planting: 26
Harvesting: 26
Disease Control: 27
Number Of Plants Per Acre 27
Aero Conference: Innovative Ag Products And Marketing 30
Major Markets: African Locust Plagues. 32
Workshops 34
The Forage And Collection Of Mosses 34
What Are Mosses? 35
How To Collect Mosses: 35
The Culture And Harvest Of Coast Huckleberry Foliage 39
Preferred Harvest Sites 39
Reforestation 40
Pruning Techniques 40
Fertilization 41
Harvesting 41
Insect Control And Weather 42
Marketing: 42
The Cheapest Cost Between Two Ports Is A Straight Line. That's A Big Factor In Determining The Transportation Route For U.S. Agricultural Exports. 43
The Farm: The HMR Wildflower Seed Source List 46
The Culture And Harvest Of Parsley 56
Cuhivars 56
Propagation 57
Fertilizers 58
Chemical Weed Control 59
Pests And Diseases 59
Harvesting 60
Marketing 61
Chemistry And Uses 62
The Farm: Chuck Walters 62
The Cultural Requirements Of Ferns 67
Economic Uses: 67
Temperature Requirements: 68
Light Requirements: 69
Water Requirements: 70
Air Circulation Requirements: 70
Soil Requirements: 70
Fertilizer Requirements: 71
Regional Cultivars: 71
Resources: 73
Honey: As A Vehicle For Medicine 73
The Forage And Markets Of Wild Cherry Bark 74
Chemistry & Uses: 74
Marketing: 75
Rockcastle Lumber Company: 77
Direct Purchasing: 79
Technical And Financial Assistance: 79
Joint Ventures: 80
The Forage Of False Hellebore Root 81
Harvesting: 82
Reforestation: 82
Marketing: 82
Toxicity: 83
The Farm: A Small 'Grower's Cooperative 84
The Cultivation And Harvest Of Angelica Root 87
Description: 87
History As A Crop: 87
Chemistry: 88
Uses: 88
Propagation: 89
Cultivation: 89
Insects And Diseases: 90
Harvesting: 90
Processing: 91
Marketing: 92
Major Markets: Exotic Fungi 92
Cloud Ears Or Tree Ears 92
Enoki Or Enokitake 92
Matsutake, Pine Mushroom Or Korean 'Songi' 93
Monkey's Head Or Bear's Head 93
Oyster, Abalone Or Tree Oyster 93
Shiitake, Black Or Black Forest 93
Straw Or Paddy Straw 93
Woodlot Management: Marketing Your Resources 93
Reforestation: Seedling Care And Handling 97
Water 97
Temperature 97
Physical Damage 100
The Forage Of Elder Flower 102
Chemistry: 102
Uses: 103
Harvesting: 103
Marketing: 103
The Propagation And Harvest Of Autumn Crocus 105
Life Zone: 105
Description: 105
Chemistry: 105
Uses: 105
Other Cultivars: 106
Toxicity: 107
The Cultivation And Markets Of Madagascar Periwinkle 109
Propagation: 109
Harvesting: 110
Chemistry: 110
Other Cultivars: 111
Marketing: 111
Farm Manager Position 113
Old Technology Revisited 113
Seed Storage Practices 115
The Farm: Attra 118
Meadowfoam: A Potential New Oilseed Crop 121
Production: 121
Disease: 122
Weed Control: 123
Pollinators: 123
Harvest: 123
Seed Yields: 123
Marketing: 123
Notes From The Editor: 124
Smallholdings 125
Native Permaculture 125
Suma - "Brazilian Ginseng" 125
The Forage And Markets Of Wild Ginger 126
Description: 126
History: 126
Chemistry: 126
Uses: 126
Harvesting: 126
Reforestation: 127
Marketing: 127
Sweet Sorghum* 127
Cultivation: 127
Harvest: 127
Marketing: 128
Economics: 128
Seed Sources: 128
The Forage And Markets Of Wintergreen 130
Descriptions: 130
History: 130
Chemistry: 130
Uses: 130
Harvesting: 131
Marketing: 131
Toxicity: 131
The Farm: Approaching The Bank 131
The Market: 131
Current And Potential Markets For Fenugreek Seed 135
Cultural Requirements: 135
Chemistry: 136
Forms Of Usage: 136
Markets: 137
The Farm: A Carbohydrate Economy 138
New Heart Drug 139
The Forage And Use Of Pokeweed 139
Chemistry: 140
Uses: 140
Harvesting: 140
Marketing: 140
Toxicity: 140
December 1987 141
Climate And Growth 142
Cultivation 143
Experimental Cultivation 143
Possible Planting Sites 145
Research Needs 145
Some Technical References 145
Monarda For Geranoil Production 148
Propagation: 148
Geranoil Content: 149

The author, Richard Alan Miller, is a world renowned agricultural consultant and researcher on the forefront and ‘cutting edge’ of the sciences related to botanicals and their practical cultivation, use and marketing.

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