The OAK Institute for Children,
You belong here just as much as anyone else.
About Oak
Move Over Harry Potter!
If you really want to learn the art, science, and mechanics of being a magician, The OAK Institute brings you the real deal!
You can now enroll in this online Institute, take courses and modules à la carte, and/or access our download library, if you just want to read fantastic books but not study formally.
Our children are the single, most important and precious natural resource we have. They are smarter than adults. Adults are more experienced, but that also means adults are more limited. A child has ‘beginner’s mind’ so, in not knowing something can’t work, they can ‘make it work’.
About The Oak Institute for Children
The OAK* Institute (*Organisation for the Advancement of Knowledge) is an organic, growing online structure that seeks to provide children and others with all the support we can muster, to help them create a happier and healthier world ahead. Created by author, physicist, agriculturalist and metaphysician, Dr. Richard Alan Miller, the O.A.K. Institute will offer a growing range of courses and workshops with a variety of skilled instructors, for children and adults interested in developing genuine skills for self-empowerment and deeper wisdom.
These days, most things in life revolve around the physical plane, making money and accumulating power and wealth. In such a world, real Metaphysical matters go largely unnoticed. Yet, Metaphysics offers a wealth of knowledge to help in changing our ways of being and creating a better world for new generations ahead.
With access to the vast resources of texts and writings in the free OAK Download Library, students can informally browse what interests them, or they may choose to learn in more structured classes, as new subjects are added to the OAK curriculum over time.
By going beyond the normal mind, to the ‘non-local mind’, through subjects like Path-working, students can learn ‘how to change the movie’ to create more meaningful and deeply satisfying tomorrows. In also offering down-to-earth subjects, like gardening and caring for food plants, we seek to empower our children to recognize, appreciate and connect with natural cycles of growth and self-sustenance, independently of a disempowering, automated world.
What is Metaphysics?
Metaphysics is not about the sleight of hand of a magical illusionist or a stage magician. Metaphysics is about REAL Magick – or what you might call ‘sleight of mind’.
In Greek, Meta means beyond, so Metaphysics means beyond the physical. The study of Metaphysics provides an enormous toolbox of skills and understandings that can be used to change things from ‘negative’ into ‘positive’ - like taking a glass that is half-empty and changing it into one that is more than half-full!
In the distant past, Metaphysics was the ‘science’ of the day. In the 19th century, Magick was reserved for the ultra-elite: Writers, poets and statesmen. Sadly, much of this science has, in the past, been misused in the hands of the unscrupulous. Such misuses of Magick bring their own repercussions.
High Magick, in its untainted form, is about coming to know and understand yourself more deeply than on the superficial levels which are often encouraged by this modern world. It is about connecting with the power within, the subconscious, or the “not I” part of Self and, with a pure intent, using it in seeking something more than just physical pleasure or gain.