NEW FACEBOOK PAGE AT: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.RichardAlanMiller - Called “Doc RAM”
(An X File in itself!)
We don’t know if it was evil gremlins, interdimensional raiders, or the ominous censors, (we suspect the latter), but at the end of January 2021, the Facebook fan page of Dr. Richard Alan Miller mysteriously ceased to exist! … It was there one day and then, without any warning, notification or explanation, it disappeared the next, and hasn’t been seen since! Fans who searched could no longer find the Doc or his posts on Facebook.
After 12 years of him gathering a loyal following and thousands of followers, Richard Alan Miller’s page just vanished without a trace. Facebook has not responded to any of our enquiries or requests and remains mute on the subject, as it has for so many others who have suffered a similar fate in this surreal time of ‘fact-checks’ and suppression.
SO!! The upshot is that we need your help please, to rebuild his following on the new page he’s set up, named “Doc RAM” at this link: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.RichardAlanMiller . If Dr. Miller’s fans would kindly LIKE the new page and share with others it would be truly appreciated.
Be assured he is looking into the alternative platforms available out there, but for the moment he’s just working hard to stay on top of his writing work, diverse projects and the incredible volume of email he receives daily.
Your patience and support are truly appreciated.
Facebook did admit that its fact checkers were at fault in the wrongful censoring of 9 of his posts on the 29th and 30th January 2021.
“We’re so sorry we got this wrong. We reviewed your post again and it does follow our Community Standards…”
Noted … for the record!
(see screenshot composite which is one of 9 similar “apologies” from Facebook for ‘getting it wrong”.
These were generated autmatically, within minutes of clicking to dispute the removal of posts. Notwithstanding this automatic admission of fault no response has been received to explain the fan page’s removal nor to reinstate it. )