The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture HMR 1988 (eBook)


The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture: For the Urban and Semi-Rural Communities is an anthology of approximately 120 newsletters over a 10 year period called, The Herb Market Report. Each issue features 2 herbs, one on small farm alternatives and the other on a forage crop. Each also includes a farm/forage plan, harvest and drying techniques, processing and storage requirements, and marketing options. A cottage industry section is featured as well. The articles are in depth, concerning all aspects of herb production, processing and marketing for active and potential herb farmers. They teach the basics for how to “small farm” field crops correctly, and be successful.

ISBN 978-0-9976199-1-1
Author: Dr. Richard Alan Miller

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The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture: For the Urban and Semi-Rural Communities is an anthology of approximately 120 newsletters over a 10 year period called, The Herb Market Report. Each issue features 2 herbs, one on small farm alternatives and the other on a forage crop. Each also includes a farm/forage plan, harvest and drying techniques, processing and storage requirements, and marketing options. A cottage industry section is featured as well. The articles are in depth, concerning all aspects of herb production, processing and marketing for active and potential herb farmers. They teach the basics for how to “small farm” field crops correctly, and be successful.

ISBN 978-0-9976199-1-1
Author: Dr. Richard Alan Miller

The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture: For the Urban and Semi-Rural Communities is an anthology of approximately 120 newsletters over a 10 year period called, The Herb Market Report. Each issue features 2 herbs, one on small farm alternatives and the other on a forage crop. Each also includes a farm/forage plan, harvest and drying techniques, processing and storage requirements, and marketing options. A cottage industry section is featured as well. The articles are in depth, concerning all aspects of herb production, processing and marketing for active and potential herb farmers. They teach the basics for how to “small farm” field crops correctly, and be successful.

ISBN 978-0-9976199-1-1
Author: Dr. Richard Alan Miller

This book contains the following subjects.
The Culture And Harvest Of Coffee Beans 19
Description: 19
Cultivation: 20
Harvest: 21
Chemistry: 21
Marketing: 22
Productivity Of Artemisia Summary: 22
Introduction: 23
Materials And Methods: 23
Results: 23
Some Tip; For The Wild Mushroom Hunter 24
Jan - Feb 24
April - June 25
July - Sept 25
Oct - Dec 26
The Propagation And Harvest Of Mexican Yams 29
Propagation: 29
Harvesting: 30
Chemistry: 31
Marketing: 32
Alternative Sources Of Diosgenin: 33
Major Markets: Alternative Steroid Precursors 33
Sterols: 34
Bile Acids: 34
Solasodine: 34
Hecogenin: 35
Oak Service: Technical Crop Reports 36
The Farm: Wildflower Seed 36
Growing And Marketing Of Christmas Trees - Part 1 39
General Considerations: 39
Sheared Douglas-Fir Natural Stands Versus Plantations: 39
The Christmas Tree Plantation: 40
Development Of A Christmas Tree Plantation: 41
Pruning And Shearing Techniques: 42
Materials And Methods: 45
Major Markets: Roses' Phantom Fragrance 45
Growing And Marketing Of Christmas Trees - Part 2 49
Harvesting: 49
Marketing: 50
Trends In The Industry: 52
News Release: 53
Forest Farming With Wild Indigo Root 53
Descriptions: 54
History As A Crop: 54
Chemistry: 54
Uses: 55
Propagation: 55
Marketing: 56
Farm Plans: An Expanded Service For Growers 56
The Farm: A New Winter Crop 57
Marketing Cooperatives For Alternative Specialty Farm Crops 60
Crops In Increasing Demand: 60
Fitting Co-Ops To Demand: 61
Marketing Role Of Co-Ops: 61
The Farm: Packaging Options For Seed 62
Portable Hand-Held Sewing Machines: 62
Intermediate Sewing Systems: 63
Automated Sewing Systems: 63
Double-Fold Closing: 63
Pinch Bottom Bag Closer: 63
Valve Packer: 64
Poly Bag Sealing: 64
Forest Farming With Mandrake Root 65
Description: 65
History As A Crop: 66
Chemistry: 66
Uses: 66
Propagation: 67
Marketing: 67
Workshops: 68
Statice For The Floral Markets 70
Seed Selection: 70
Propagation: 71
Harvesting: 71
Marketing: 72
Major Markets: A Question Of Monopoly 73
Companion Planting 74
Keeping Bad Bugs At Bay: 75
Bringing In Reinforcements: 75
Grow Marigolds To Reduce Nematode Infestations: 75
Surround The Garden With A Windbreak: 76
Plant Blackberries Near Grapes: 76
Control, But Don't Eliminate Weeds: 76
References; 77
Major Markets: Collection Of Accounts Receivable 78
The Cultivation And Markets Of Castor Bean 81
Chemistry: 81
Cultivation: 82
Markets: 83
Regional Strategy For Agricultural Diversification 84
Workshops: 85
Sustainable Agriculture: An Optimization Process 86
Selected References: 89
Four Alternate Future Models For Agriculture, Quality Of Life And Pest Management (Based In Part On Elgin Et At., 1975). 90
1. Technological Dominance 90
2. Status Quo 90
3. Limits Technology Optimization 91
4. The Negative Slope 91
The Propagation And Markets For Tea Tree Oil 94
Propagation: 95
Sowing: 95
Establishment: 95
Transplanting: 95
Weed Control: 96
Harvesting: 96
Distillation: 96
Yield: 98
Marketing: 99
Workshops: 99
The Farm: Irrigation Tips 99
Guide To Depth Of Rooting: Depth Crop 100
Weather Table: 100
Native Plants Of Commercial Importance 101
Major Markets: Know Your Buyers 102
Wholesalers: 102
Grocery Store’s: 103
Restaurants: 103
The Cultivation And Harvest Of Dalmatian White Sage 106
Soil Preferences: 107
Establishment: 107
Soil Preferences: 108
Establishment: 108
Harvesting And Drying: 109
Marketing: 110
Technical References: 111
The Farm: A New Dehydration System 111
Introduction To Biodynamics 112
What Biodynamic Farming And Gardening Stands For. 113
What Are The Biodynamic Principles? 113
Pyrethrum Flower: An Organic Insecticide 118
Chemistry: 119
Propagation: 120
Harvesting: 122
Cottage Industry Potential: 122
Sources: 123
The Forage And Use Of St. John's Wort Herb 123
Description: 123
History: 123
Chemistry: 123
Uses: 124
Harvesting: 124
Major Markets: Federal Market Orders 124
The Farm: The Leafy Spurge Problem 126
The Cultivation And Markets Of Corn Mint 129
Chief Differences: 129
Cultivation Practices: 130
Marketing: 132
Time To Resubscribe 133
Eight Steps In Planning Multiple Use Of Rural Lands 135
The Forest: The Brush Permit 137
Marketing Tips For Retailing Fresh Cut Flowers 141
Preservatives: 143
The Economics Of Maple Syrup Production 145
Tapping Equipment: 145
The Cultivation And Economics Of Oyster Mushrooms 146
Production Cycle: 147
Economics: 148
Major Markets: Adding Value 148

The author, Richard Alan Miller, is a world renowned agricultural consultant and researcher on the forefront and ‘cutting edge’ of the sciences related to botanicals and their practical cultivation, use and marketing.

The Encyclopedia of Alternative Agriculture HMR 1987 (eBook)
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs (eBook)
The Magical and Ritual Use of Aphrodisiacs (eBook)
Duo: Stress Management | Workbook 5 | Power Tools for the 21st Century (eBook)
Herbs, Native Plants and Alternative Agriculture, eBook Trio